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Artist: Sarah Anderson

Sarah Anderson, INDIANA

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Sarah Anderson is a full time ceramic artist based out of Indianapolis,  Indiana. For the last few years since graduating from Ball State University,  she has been creating work and teaching at multiple different art centers,  as well as virtually. The majority of her time is spent at her studio creating  her functional pieces and selling online, in stores, and galleries around the  United States. The technique she uses on the surface of her pottery is  called Sgraffito, or the Italian word for scratching. Her work is inspired by  gestural characters that tell different narratives on each piece.

Artist Statement

I carve narratives into the surface of my functional pottery pieces  through the technique called sgraffito. I use whimsical characters and  illustrations as my imagery. I’ve slowly begun working in sculptural  elements to my functional ceramics, giving more life to each piece. I  

believe each pot has a personality, and it’s my job to find it. I’m inspired  by the climax of a story, and the reactions that this brings. The gestures  of each character are thoughtful, and tell each of their moods in the  narrative. When I create a conversation, no matter what that  conversation holds, I feel I have created a successful piece of art.



Sarah Anderson  Ceramics LLC  2021 

Fountain Square  Clay Center  


Indianapolis Art  Center  

2018 – 2021 

Portland Art  Center  


Anderson  Center for the  Arts,  

2017 – 2018  

Self Employed Ceramic Business  

Studio space at 201 Studios, partnering with multiple businesses  around Indianapolis, as well as many galleries throughout the  states. 

Teaching Artist  

Teaching multiple level throwing classes to 10+ adults per week.  

Studio Manager 

Managed classes, classrooms, and instructors. Organized  schedules and held meetings for students and instructors. Created  specific classes and new structures for every day  

Studio Tech  

Running the technical side of a ceramic department.  (managing kilns, making glazes and clay, etc.) 

Teaching Artist  

Instructor of children and adults teaching 3D classes such as  ceramics, metal, glass, wood, and sculpture.  

Teaching Artist  

Instructor of children’s sculpture and ceramics classes in Indiana  and Ohio.  

Teaching Artist  

Instructed multiple ceramic and sculpture classes in Anderson,  Indiana



KS Clay Guild  Virtual  Demonstration  2022 

Ceramic School  Virtual Workshop  2022 

Pocosin Virtual  Workshop  2022 

Demonstration with Q&A 2022 

Demonstration with Q&A 2022 

2 Hour Talk and Demonstration  2022 

Indiana Clay  Conference  2021 

Naomi Clement  Finding Your  Voice Program  2021 

Jurying Cup  Show  2021 

Wood Firing  2021 

Seth Green Invitation  

Indianapolis Art Center, IN 

Virtual 3 Month Class Duration 

Indianapolis Art Center 

Indianapolis Art Center and Ball State  University 



Indiana Michiana  Pottery Tour  2022 

Six Ways Market  2021 

Christmas Gift &  Hobby Show  2021 

Penrod Art Fair  2021 

Monument Circle Art  Fair  2021 

Carving in the Garden  2021 

Locally Made  2021 

Artist Appreciation  Fair  2020 

A Fence of Art  2020 

Broad Ripple Art Fair  2020 

Winter Art Sale  2018-19  

Ball State Ceramic  Sale  2018-19  

Invitation by Alec Hoogland & Justin Rothshank  Michigan and Indiana Show 

Sunking Brewery  Indianapolis, IN 

Indiana State Fairgrounds  Indianapolis, IN 

Newfields Indianapolis Museum of Art, IN 

Monument Circle  Indianapolis, IN 

Fountain Square Clay Center  Fountain Square, IN 

Indianapolis Art Center  Broad Ripple, IN 

Hotel Tango  Fountain Square, IN 

Wildwoods Market  Fountain Square, IN 

Indianapolis Art Center  Broad Ripple, IN 

Indianapolis Art Center  Indianapolis, IN  

Ball State University  Muncie, IN 


Best Teapot  2021 

Indiana Artists  Student Award  2019  

Juried Student  Art Show  2019  

Senior Award  2019  

Senior Award  2018  

Juried Student  Art Show  2018 

Strictly Functional Pottery National  Lancaster Museum, PA 

Indiana Artists Annual Members Exhibition  Anderson, IN 

Dean’s Purchase Award  Ball State University, IN 

Outstanding Senior in Sculpture Award  Ball State University, IN  

Outstanding Senior in Sculpture Award Ball State University, IN  

Best of Show  

Dean’s Purchase Award  Ball State University, IN  

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