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Artist: Adam Lefebvre

Artist: Adam Lefebre
Adam Lefebvre, UTAH
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The term “vestige” is the underlying theme within my work. From sculpture to
photography to utilitarian pottery, I create visible traces or remnants of
something no longer present. This term is inherent within atmospheric fired ceramics because the resulting surfaces are a literal remnant of the kiln, the fire, and the choices of the firing crew. The natural world and the objects that are subjected to it pique my aesthetic interests. Objects that have been left to weather and decay can gain intensely fascinating surfaces that time and the exposure can create. It is these qualities that I seek with atmospheric firing. During my childhood the family trips coast to coast in Canada were highly formative. The trips exposed me to the vast and wild beauty as well as the rich natural history within this country I proudly call home. Perhaps the most valuable lesson I received from our travel was the importance of stopping and looking. Whether it is to see an expansive vista at a roadside turnout or an upturned rusty nail in a fence, I have always found pleasure in observation. Ultimately, my efforts are towards creating objects that are visually captivating.

2018 MFA Candidate, Utah State University, Logan, UT, 2017-present

2015 BFA Ceramics, Alberta College of Art + Design, Calgary AB

2010-2012 University of Regina, Regina SK

2016 Romantic Works, Yuill Gallery, Medalta, Medicine Hat AB, June - August

2014 Vestige, Marion Nicoll Gallery, Calgary AB, January

2017 Outside the Box, Toronto Design Offsite Festival, Toronto ON, January

Cheers, Medalta, Medicine Hat, AB, September - November
Coffee 'til dusk, Whisky 'til Dawn, Project Space, The Banff Centre, AB
RE—Reanimate, Repair, Mend and Meld, Co-curated by Paul Scott and Andrew
Baseman, Ferrin Contemporary, Cummington, Ma. Feb 13th – Apr 17th
Mended Ways: The Art of Inventive Repair, New York Ceramics and Glass Fair,
Bohemian National Hall, New York, NY. Jan 20th - 24th

Medalta Int’l Residents Holiday Exhibition, Medalta, Medicine Hat, Alberta. December
Sojourn, Harris-Warke Gallery, Red Deer AB, October
Medalta International Tool Show, Medalta, Medicine Hat, Alberta, September - November
Grad Show, Illingworth-Kerr Gallery, Calgary, AB May
Pi Party, John Snow House, The New Gallery, Calgary AB, Mar 14
Totipotent, ACAD, Calgary AB, February

Reclaim, Medalta, Medicine Hat AB, May
Spring Awakening, Gardiner Museum Shop, Toronto ON, May
Maturing Point, ACAD, Calgary AB, March

Medalta International Cup Show, Medalta, Medicine Hat, Alberta September
Dirty Dirty Dirty Dirty, Gallery 371, ACAD, Calgary AB, September

2012 1000 Miles Apart, 5th Parallel Gallery, Regina SK, September

2011 1000 Miles Apart, Gallery One One One, Winnipeg MB, September

2016 Medalta IAiR, Medicine Hat AB, Year Long Residency, September 2015-2016

BAIR Spring – Sojourn, The Banff Centre, Banff AB, June 1- 21

WOOD/SODA/FIRE/BANFF Thematic Residency, The Banff Centre, Banff AB April 27-May 22

2014 Medalta IAiR, Medicine Hat AB, May 1-31

Instructor of Record, Introductory Ceramics, Utah State University
Graduate Teaching Assistant, 3-D Design, Utah State University

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Introductory Ceramics, Utah State University
Gallery Preparator, Medalta Yuill Gallery, Medicine Hat, AB 2015-present
Studio Assistant – Kiln Raising residency, The Banff Centre, AB
Studio technician, Medalta, Medicine Hat, AB 2015-2016
Instructor – Introductory Pottery, Medalta, Medicine Hat, AB

Instructor – Continuing Pottery/Soda Firing, Medicine Hat, AB
Instructor – Create with Clay Workshop, ACAD, Calgary AB

2016 Saskatchewan Arts Board, Independent Artist Grant - $5,500

Emerging Artist, New Craft Coalition, ACAD
Illingworth Kerr Memorial Travel/Study Scholarship, ACAD

2014 Medalta Student Residency Award, Medalta, ACAD

2010 Fine Arts Entrance Scholarship, University of Regina

The Crafted Dish. Carole Epp with National Clay Week. Blurb, 2017. 116-117. Print.

Relational Learning: ACAD Ceramics Visiting Artists—The First 3 Decades, co-
coordinators Julia Krueger and Katrina Chaytor, Illingworth Kerr Gallery, ACAD, 2017

Karin Olafson “7 Artists to Watch For at the ACAD Show + Sale” Avenue Calgary, March 23, 2015, http://www.avenuecalgary.com/Things-to- Do/7-Artists- to-Watch- For-at- the- ACAD-Show- -Sale/

Julia Krueger “Exhibition Review: Totipotent” Musing About Mud, March 23, 2015 http://musingaboutmud.blogspot.ca/2015/03/guest-post- by-julia- krueger-exhibition.html

2013 Pamela Cowan, “A Banner Year for Arts and Crafts Show” Leader-Post, Regina SK, Page A3, Monday, June 17, 2013

2010 Shehid, Gamal, et al. Building Pride: Saskatchewan Roughriders Centennial Exhibitions. Regina: Dunlop Art Gallery, 2010. Print

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