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Artist: Jason Hartsoe

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Artist Statement

My work relies on the acknowledgment of antecedents. I believe that successful art requires a  firm foundation in the work that came before it. It operates by recognizing and capitalizing on  the surprising unity and collective nature of seemingly disparate ceramic traditions. The  common language of forms created by the diverse cultures of our world, crossing the myriad  technological divides are all dictated by themes of functionality and a common human scale. 

I look not only to the forms themselves but also to the traditional methods used to make them. I  have pursued my education through the process of apprenticeship and working closely with other  master potters, beginning in Japan and continuing through England and here in the US. This  slow education allowed for an organic training and development of the eye for form and  instructed the hand in how to respond to the material.  

As a functional potter I am unapologetically deeply reverent of tradition. However, I demand that  my work resist a static complacency in merely the replication of the past. The challenge of my  studio practice is to escape the dangers of the derivative and to allow the free experimentation  with preexisting fundamentals and to synthesize them with a fresh, contemporary approach and  consideration. My design is to encourage something new from the past and in so doing, to create  something vital and lasting. It is my hope that perhaps it will succeed in demonstrating a kind of  new translation of the better themes of our functional forms. 



Across the Pond and Back: Training, Making, Influence

NCECA Richmond, VA

March 2020

Eight Fluid Ounces 9th BIANNUAL National Invitational Ceramic Cup Exhibition

Louisiana State University 

January 2020

 Resident Artist Exhibition

Archie Bray Foundation,

June 2018

Ceramiche Nuove, Solo Show

La Bottega del Comune — Cortona, Italy

October  2017

Kobo Cup Show

Seattle WA

November 2016, 2017, 2019

Apprenticelines NCECA ‘15


Group Show with Richard Truckle, Mieko Sagasaki, and Lucie Brisson


Nagoya, Japan
May  2013

First Works, Solo Show

Tokoname, Japan
May 2010


Artist in Residence

Penland School of Craft - Penland, NC

September 2018 to present


Summer Resident

Archie Bray Foundation - Helena Montana

May - September 2018


Visiting Artist

 smART Kinston, Kinston NC

April 2018


Artist in Residence

University of Georgia — Cortona, Italy
February 2017 – December 2017

Short Term Resident Artist

STARworks Ceramics — Star, NC
September 2016 – January 2017


Visiting Artist

Appalachian State University — Boone, NC
October 2016
Demonstrations,Slide Lectures, Student critiques and Q & A



Michael Hunt & Naomi Dalglish, Bandana Pottery — Bandana, NC
November 2013 – July 2016
Full Time Apprentice in a production pottery.  Intensive on the job training.  Dug local clay and processed it.  Milled local rock and feldspar for glazes.   Assisted in making  production work.  Loaded and fired kilns.  Assisted with workshops and many national exhibitions.   During this time developed my own work and began cultivation of my  market.


Dan Finnegan Pottery — Fredericksburg, VA
January 2011 – October 2013
Assisted long standing studio potter in material processing, wood firings, as well as retail work at many national exhibition.  Assisted with kiln building and kiln building workshops.  During this time I studied wood-fired slip ware intensively and developed my own work.


Winchcombe Pottery — Gloucestershire, England
June 2010 – October 2010
Mixed and processed clay, prepared wood kiln fuel, assisted in wood and gas kiln firings,  maintained a clean studio, made the tea and performed gallery duties for a historic production pottery.


Mieko Sagasaki and Richard Truckle — Tokoname, Japan
March 2010 – May 2010
Initiated my education with wheel thrown forms, material processing, wood and gas kiln firing.  Assisted with a national gallery exhibition and gained a first hand knowledge of local Japanese ceramics.


B.A. English

Belmont Abbey — Belmont, NC
1997 – 2001


Penland Gallery, Penland, NC

American Folk Gallery — Asheville, NC

Gallery At Flat Rock — Flat Rock, NC

Archie Bray Foundation — Helena, MT

Details Gallery — Landrum, SC

STARworks Gallery — Star, NC

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