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Artist: Luke Doyle

Luke Doyle
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A patina layered over time evokes a sense of age, weathered memories of a time once lived. I look for these subtle nuances in form. Borrowing an aesthetic from manufactured products and reviving it in a domestic space is where my pots takes life. My references to industrial steel mills, production assembly lines and the shell of the city of Pittsburgh that was once celebrated as such, implements a narrative and attachment with the user. Creating utilitarian vessels replicating this aesthetic builds a relationship between the piece and the user. Activating the living environment by giving the user a gateway for conversation, provokes a remanence of a different time, and rejuvenate memories triggered by these nostalgic elements of my pottery.

2017-present West Virginia University, WV MFA Candidate
2017 WVU China study abroad program, Jingdezhen The Pottery Workshop
2013 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, PA BFA in Ceramics
2007-2010 Community College of Allegheny County, PA Fine Arts

Teaching Experience
2017-2019 West Virginia University, West Virginia
GA Instructor; Foundations/Ceramics
2017 Visual Arts at Chautauqua Institution, New York.
Summer instructor.
2017 Visiting Artist Lecture Series, Jingdezhen, China.

Lecture/Slide Presentation.
2014 Penn Hills High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
2 Day Workshop; Wheel Throwing Demonstration, Hand Building Demonstration
2014 Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Class Instructor; Wheel Throwing, Hand Building, Raku Demonstration Lecture
2012 Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, PA
Raku Firing Workshop; Provided techniques and firing methods during a Raku Firing and a wheel throwing demonstration
2010 KDKA, “the Today Show”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Wheel Throwing Demonstration
2010 Brick Pitt Studio, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Clay instructor

2019 “ Pots For Pets” Curated by Adam Chau; Clay Arts Center Port Chester, New York
2019 “Keeping it Fresh” Curated Eric Botby; Companion Gallery Minneapolis, Minnesota
2018 “Behind Image-Beyond Form” Taoxichuan Ceramic Art Avenue. Jingdezhen, China
2018 “Crossing Paths” NCECA Exhibition Curated by Kyle Houser; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pittsburgh Center for the Arts
2018 “CCAC Student Show” NCECA Exhibition Curated by Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Joseph Delphia; Community College of Alleghenny County
2018 “Industry and Imagery” NCECA Exhibition Curated by Dan Kuhn; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Ton Pottery
2017 “Last Call II” Juried by Jennifer Allen, Companion Gallery Humboldt, Tennessee
2016 “72 Steps” Mufei Gallery Jingdezhen, China
2015 “Edinboro Clay Club Show” Clay Place at Standard Carnegie, Pennsylvania
2015 “Cup, The Intimate Object” Charlie Cummings Gallery Gainesville, Florida
2015 “Keystone Collegiate Exhibition” Juried by Bill Strickland Brockway, Pennsylvania
2014 “Nu Contemporary” Ceramics Invitational Slippery Rock University, Pennsylvania
2014 “Daily Ritual” Cup Show, Juried by Ron Korczynski, Co-Op Gallery Saxonburg, Pennsylvania
2014 “Glaze by Fire” Atmospheric Invitational, Taos Clay El Prado, New Mexico
2014 “DRINK!” Cup Show, juried by Doug Peltzman, Slipe Gallery Hartford, Connecticut
2013 “Energy of the Future” NCECA Student show, Houston, Texas
Juried by Kristen Kieffer and Bruce Cochrane
2012 “Clarion Mug Show” Regional Juried Show Clarion, Pennsylvania
2012 “October Evenings” Show, Regional Juried Show Meadville, Pennsylvania
2011 “Edinboro Student Show” Juried Show Edinboro, Pennsylvania
2011 “6-10-soda” Group Exhibition, Bates Gallery Edinboro, Pennsylvania
2011 “Clarion Mug Show” Regional Juried Show Clarion Pennsylvania
Solo Exhibitions
2019 “ A Timeless Ritual” Laura Mesaros Gallery; Morgantown, West Virginia
West Virginia University
2013 “Surface Techniques” Bill Campbell's Stonewall Gallery Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania
2011 “Altered Forms” Bates Gallery, EUP Edinboro Pennsylvania

2015 “Cup of Distinction” Daily Ritual Cup Show Saxonburg Pennsylvania
2011 Functional Ceramics Conference Student Scholarship Wooster, Ohio
2011 Donna Nicholas Student Scholarship, EUP Edinboro, Pennsylvania
2011 2nd Place, “Clarion Mug Show” Clarion, Pennsylvania
Work Experience
2016 Graduate Assistant, West Virginia University West Virginia

▪ Teaching
▪ Studio Maintenance
▪ Mentoring

2015 Studio Technician, University of Edinboro Edinboro, Pennsylvania

▪ Mix slips and glazes
▪ Fire and help repair kilns
▪ Assist students, provide guidance
▪ Develop and refine work to prepare for graduate studies

2014 Studio Assistant for Tara Wilson Helena, Montana

▪ Work/studio-living exchange.
▪ Clean and maintain studio
▪ Wood kiln maintenance and wood splitting
▪ Glaze test and mix glazes

2014 Archie Bray Foundation Clay Biz. Helena, Montana

▪ Mix clay to help support resident artists
▪ Chemical weigh outs
▪ Resident Assistance as needed
▪ Pugmill Operation

2013 Campbell's Studios Edinboro, Pennsylvania

▪ Load and unload kilns
▪ Formulate glazes

2013 Campbell's Pottery Sales Associate Edinboro, Pennsylvania

▪ Pack and ship pottery
▪ Set up art displays
▪ Assist with gallery exhibitions

2011 Brick Pitt Ceramics Studio Technician Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

▪ Clean Studio
▪ Monitor Kilns
▪ Process Clay
▪ Assist in class instruction

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