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Artist: Michael Connelly

Michael Connelly, PENNSYLVANIA
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The physical rhythm of working gives life meaning. The material clay as well as its process and products are my focus. In the studio I strive for a sense of immediacy, to be attentive to the moment without a self-conscious awareness of making something good or important. During a satisfying day’s cycle I will achieve the immediacy I seek in one out of every ten pots. It is the search for immediacy - for direct connection, for instant truth - that keeps my production sharp. When I find it or sense it I attempt to hold on to it. It is anticipated, but not planned, and it is only through continued repetition that it surfaces again.

Physical and emotional energy distinctly informs my work. I have become aware of this energy without losing what I enjoy most about making, and have attempted to infuse a sense of immediacy into the details of my work. There can be much vigor to lids that fit flawlessly. To me, a flawless lid introduces a sense of completion to form.

Energy in my pots can be read in the balance of contradiction and extremes. This balance is most easily accessible by studying the relation of throwing to trimming or expressing to compressing. I use a technique of chattering as part of the trimming process that provides a counterpoint to the gesture of reduction or carving associated with cutting into the body of the pot. Chattering creates a pattern of nervous energy held by a clear definition of form. Together the two create a musical line of contrasting gesture that intensifies the whole, making the pots more dynamic. There is a quality of generosity that my pots must offer, a generosity backed by a feeling of soundness or structure. Balanced elements of contrast in form and detail provide structure and sureness that support the generosity of my work.

Repetition has a significance that goes beyond the idea of production. It clearly grows out of the necessity to connect in the now and to create pots of physical vigor, ease and accessibility. My pottery occupies a sense of purpose, to create objects within myself and true to myself. The examination of utility generates my sense of design and involves all of my creativity. I focus on the directness of my work as an avenue of expression. It is important that my pots present accessible openings of understanding and offer clarity to function. To me, my pots are self-evident.

I wish my pots to express the same gratitude as I receive from the cycle of making. I am a potter; the rhythm of labor is my focus.

Michael Connelly is a studio potter based in Phoenixville and Philadelphia , as well as Assistant Professor at Montgomery College in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. He received his M.F.A. from Alfred University. He has taught and presented lectures and workshops at various venues both nationally and internationally, including classes at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Archie Bray Foundation and Penland School of Crafts, NYSCC Alfred University and Alberta College of Art and Design. His utilitarian pottery is in the permanent collections of the China Yaoware Museum, the Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art and Huntington Museum of Art. 

Studio potter, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Head of the Ceramics Department, Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania


Master of Fine Arts, New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University,

School of Art and Design, Alfred, New York

Honors, National Deans List

Bachelor of Fine Arts New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University,

School of Art and Design, Alfred, New York

Honors, Divisional Honors

Post Baccalaureate Student, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, Missouri



Head of the Ceramics, Assistant Professor

Montgomery County Community College, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Visiting Assistant Professor Ceramics 
New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York

Summer Six Faculty Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York

Summer Faculty Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, Ohio

Ceramics Resident Director/Instructor Shelburne Craft School, Shelburne, Vermont

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Education/Ceramics Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont

Adjunct Professor Community College of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

Summer Six Faculty Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, New York

Ceramics Director Shelburne Craft School, Shelburne, Vermont

Mentor, External Degree Program Johnson State College, Johnson, Vermont

Adjunct Professor, Graduate Education/Ceramics Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont

Adjunct Professor, Sculpture Community College of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont

Visiting Assistant Professor, Ceramics New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York

Adjunct Professor Graduate Education/Ceramics Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont

Ceramics Director/Instructor Shelburne Craft School, Shelburne, Vermont

Visiting Assistant Professor, Ceramics Hartford Art School, Hartford, Connecticut

Instructor Missoula Clay Studio, Missoula, Montana

Instructor Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts, Helena, Montana

Liberal Arts Pottery, Graduate Instructor

New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York

Sophomore Wheel Throwing, Graduate instructor

New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York

Junior Pottery, Graduate Assistant

New York State College of Ceramics at Alfred University, Alfred, New York



Sierra Nevada College, Incline Village, Nevada

Corning Community College, Corning, New York

Castle Hill Center for the Arts, Truro, Massachusetts

Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts, Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Montgomery County Community College- NCECA Pre-conference, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania

Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado

Museum of Contemporary Crafts, Portland, Oregon

Oregon College of Arts and Crafts, Portland, Oregon

Hui No’ Eau Art Center, Makawao, Hawaii

Santa Fe’ Clay, Santa Fe, New Mexico

Walter Gropous Master Workshop, Huntington Museum of Art Huntington, West Virginia

Haystack Mountain School for Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine

Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

Alberta College of Art and Design, 1000-Miles Apart” International Conference Alberta, Canada.

New Hampshire Institute of Art, Manchester, New Hampshire

Appalachian Center for the Crafts, Smithville, Tennessee

IS183 School of the Berkshires Stockbridge, Massachusetts  

Penland School for Crafts, Penland, North Carolina

Castle Hill Truro, Truro, Massachusetts

Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

Holter Museum of Art, Helena, Montana

Peters Valley Craft Center, Layton, New Jersey

Odyssey Center for Crafts, Asheville, North Carolina

Seward Park Art Studio, Seattle, Washington

Haystack Mountain School for Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine

Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield, Connecticut

Frog Hollow Craft Center, Manchester, Vermont

Castle Hill Center for the Arts, Truro, Massachusetts

Touchstone Center for Crafts, Farmington, Pennsylvania

Mudflat Studio, Somerville, Massachusetts

University of Montana, Missoula, Montana

Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

Holter Museum of Art, Helena, Montana

Oregon School of Arts and Crafts, Portland, Oregon

Holter Museum of Art, Helena, Montana

Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana

Carroll College, Helena, Montana

Colorado Mountain College, Aspen, Colorado


Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Studio Pottery Invitational” Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

"La Mesa" 2010 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Artist/Educator” 2010 NCECA Conference, Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey

"Featured Gallery Artist" Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Artstream Nomadic Tour, 2010 NCECA Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Bi-Costals: Michael Connelly (east), Trent Burkett (West) Trax Gallery, Berkeley, California

“New Work: Michael Connelly” Harvey/Meadows Gallery, Aspen Highlands, Colorado

"La Mesa" 2009 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Phoenix, Arizona

Yunomi Invitational” AKAR Design Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa

New Work: Michael Connelly” Harvey/Meadows Gallery, Aspen Highlands, Colorado

Michael Connelly and “Linda Christianson ” AKAR Design, Iowa City, Iowa

“Mastery in Clay” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“China Project: “Li Chao, Michael Connelly and Barbera Didduk” Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

“Functional Variations” Freehand Gallery, Los Angeles, California

“Ceramics: Form and Function, Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California

"La Mesa" 2008 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Functional Ceramics Invitational” Truman Gallery, Helena, Montana


Tea” Santa Fe’ Clay Gallery, Santa Fe’ New Mexico

“Pitcher This” University of North Carolina

“90 teapots” Xen Gallery, Edwardsville, Il

“Featured Artist, Michael Connelly” AKAR Design, Iowa City, Iowa

“Summer Instructors Show” Santa Fe’ Clay Gallery, Santa Fe’ New Mexico

"La Mesa" 2007 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Portland, Oregon

“Walter Gropius Master Artist , Michael Connelly” Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, West Virginia

“La Mesa” 2006 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Portland, Oregon

“Handheld drinking Vessels” Main street Art Gallery, Edwardsville, Illinois

”90 teapots that Pour” Xen gallery, St. Louis, Missouri

Functional Forms: Exploring Meaning and the Handmade Vessel”. Murray State University, Murray Kentucky    

“Mastery in Clay” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“An Extravagance of Salt and Pepper: Containers/Shakers/Concepts” Baltimore Clay Works, Baltimore, Maryland

"Potters of the Northeast" Wayne Art Center, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania

"La Mesa" 2006 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Portland, Oregon

"Featured Gallery Artist" Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“1000 Miles Apart Visiting Artists” Alberta College of Art and Design, Alberta, Canada

“Summer Instructors Show” Appalachian center for Crafts, Smithville, Tennessee

“Summer Instructors Show” Hiestand Gallery, Miami University of Ohio, Oxford, Ohio

“3rd Annual Pottery Invitational” Worcester Center for Crafts, Worcester, Massachusetts  

“Pots: Objects of Virtue” Bedford Gallery Walnut Creek, California

“Featured Artist Solo” AKAR Design Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa

“Echoes, Anderson Ranch Ceramic Artists” 2004 N.C.E.C.A Conference, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Baltimore, Maryland

“North American Dish Makers N.C.E.C.A Tour” Art-Stream Nomadic Gallery, Traveling Exhibition  

“Schools Out” 2004 N.C.E.C.A Conference, Catonsville Community College, Baltimore, Maryland

“1st Annual Carbondale Clay National” Carbondale Clay Center, Carbondale, Colorado

“Anderson Ranch at U.F” Wesley Foundation Gallery, University of Miami, Miami, Florida

“Summer Instructors Show” Warehouse Gallery, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana.

“2004 Summer Instructors” Odyssey Center Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina

“Winter Invitational” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Mastery in Clay” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“North American Dish Makers N.C.E.C.A Tour” Art-Stream Nomadic Gallery, Traveling Exhibition (nine cities)

“Featured Gallery Artist” Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

“Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show”, Philadelphia Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Catalog)                             

“2003 Wichita Clay National” Wichita Center for Crafts, Wichita, Kansas

“Mastery in Clay” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“Anderson Ranch Artists” S.O.F.A. Exhibition, Lillstreet Gallery, Chicago, Illinois

“Tea For Two-Table For Two” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“30 Potters x 5 Pots” AKAR ARchiTecture and Design Gallery, Iowa City, Iowa

“Strictly Functional Pottery National” Market House Craft Center, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

“For the House and Garden” Birmingham Community House, Birmingham, Michigan

“Just Bowls” Artworks Gallery, Bozeman, Montana

NCECA Clay National” R.B. Stevenson Gallery, San Diego, California (Catalog)

“Holiday Invitational” Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

“2nd Annual Hopewell Ceramics Show” Ruth Morpeth Gallery, Hopewell, New Jersey

“Winter Invitational” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“North American Dish Makers” Art-Stream Nomadic Gallery, Traveling Exhibition (9 cities)

“Seward Park Teapot Invitational” Seward Park Art Studio, Seattle, Washington

“Summer Invitational” Lacoste Gallery of American Craft, Concord, Massachusetts

“Yankee Clay: Ceramic Artists of the Northeast” The Slater Museum of Art, Norwich, Connecticut

“The M.F.A Gloryhole: Selections from the Last Ten Years” Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art, Alfred, New York        

“Michael Connelly and Nicholas Seidner” The Sebastian Ward Gallery, Berkeley, California

“New Work by Michael Connelly and Peter Scherzer” Fifth Element Gallery, Portland, Oregon

“New Works” Sebastian Ward Gallery, Berkeley, California

“Holiday Invitational” Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

“Winterfest 2001 Holiday Invitational” Baltimore Clay Works, Baltimore, Maryland

“Hopewell Ceramics Show” Ruth Morpeth Gallery, Hopewell, New Jersey

“A Different Aesthetic” The Odyssey Gallery, Asheville, North Carolina

“Reunion: Wayne Higby and Graduates of the Alfred University Ceramics Program” The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

“For the House and Garden” Birmingham Community House, Birmingham, Michigan

A Potter and A Collector: A Look at Contemporary Ceramics” – Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania (Catalog)

“Teapot Invitational” – Archie Bray Foundation 2001 Clay Odyssey conference, Helena, Montana

“Focus on Function” – University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota (Catalog)

“Holiday Invitational” – Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

Impressions in Clay” - Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

“Rhythm, Labor, Form – A Conversation in the Search for Beauty” Michael Connelly and Allegheny Meadows, Fifth Element Gallery, Portland, Oregon

Archie Bray Artists” - NCECA Conference, Littleton, Colorado

“Conestoga Ceramics: A Continuing Tradition” - Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

Holiday Invitational” - Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

“Graduate Thesis Show” - Fosdick Nelson Gallery, Alfred, New York

“Habit to Ritual” - Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

“China International Ceramic Invitational” - Yaoware Ceramic Museum, Tongchuang, Xian, Peoples Republic of China

“Invitational Show” - The Academy of Notre Dame, De Namur, Villanova, Pennsylvania

“Focus on Function” - Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

“Anderson Ranch Artists” - NCECA Conference, Evelyn Siegel Gallery, Ft. Worth, Texas

New Work:Michael Connelly” - Warehouse Gallery, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

Anything That Pours” - National Invitational Exhibition, Smithville, Tennessee

Summer Residents Show” - Warehouse Gallery, Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

“Ceramic Forms” - National Invitational Exhibition, New Albany, Indiana

“All Fired Up” - Juried National Exhibition, Boise, Idaho

“Emerging Artists of the United States” - Juried National Exhibition, Montpelier, Vermont

Archie Bray Resident Artist Exhibition” - NCECA Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada

“3rd Annual Teapot Invitational” - Craft Alliance, Saint Louis, Missouri

Container Containment” - Juried National Competition, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

“Summer Invitational” - Nancy Margolis Gallery, Portland, Maine

“Resident Exhibition” - Dows Gallery, Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village Colorado

Colorado Clay” - Foothill Art Center, Golden, Colorado

“Cups” - Dows Gallery, Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado

“Winter Residency Show” - Pitkin County Bank, Aspen, Colorado

“Gifts of Clay, Holiday Invitational” - Pewabic Pottery, Detroit, Michigan

“Holiday Studio Exhibit” - Dows Gallery, Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado

“Peter's Valley Annual Summer Faculty Show” - Layton, New Jersey

“Two Person Show” - The Loft Gallery, Kingston, New York

“Ceramics USA” - Juried National Competition, Denton, Texas

“Peter's Valley Summer Assistant Show” - Layton, New Jersey

“Tempe Tea Party” - Juried National Competition, Tempe, Arizona

Feats of Clay” - Juried National Competition, Lincoln, California



2008 LH Project, Joseph, Oregon

2006 Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Edgecomb, Maine

1999 The Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

1997 The Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

1996 Anderson Ranch Art Center, Snowmass Village, Colorado

1994 Mendocino Art Center, Mendocino, California



NCECA 2010 Philadelphia Planning Committee Board, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Evelyn Shapiro Grant Juror, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, P.A.

Outdoor Kiln Technician

Studio and kiln technician

ROBERT HARRISON, Helena, Montana
Installation Assistant, Fabrication of Magnetic Arch
PETER'S VALLEY CRAFT CENTER, Layton, New Jersey Summer Studio Assistant
BENNETT BEAN, Belvedere, New Jersey
Studio Assistant

Summer Studio Assistant
PETER CALLAS STUDIO, Belvedere, New Jersey|
Peter Volkous’s Workshop Assistant

Technical Assistant


Artists Invite Artists Series” Watershed Center for the Ceramic Arts, Edgecomb, Maine

“Utilitarian Clay” Paris Gibson Square Museum of Art, Great Falls, Montana

“National Teapot Invitational” Helena, Montana

2001 Clay Odyssey Conference, Archie Bray Foundation

“A Potter and a Collector: A Look at Contemporary Ceramics” Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

“Studio Days Juried National “Chester Springs, Pennsylvania


American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, California

Archie Bray Foundation, Helena, Montana

Asheville Art Museum, Asheville, North Carolina (Promised Gift)

Gail Brown, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

China Yaoware Ceramic Museum, Tonchuang, Xian, Peoples Republic of China

Huntington Museum of Art, Huntington, West Virginia

International Museum of Ceramic Art at Alfred University, Alfred, New York

Marge and Phillip Kolodner, Gladwyne, Pennsylvania

Peter’s Valley Craft Center, Layton, New Jersey

Pitzer College, Claremont, California

Robert L. Pfannebeker, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Michael Root, Minneapolis, Minnesota


AKAR Design, Iowa City, Iowa

Harvey/Meadows Gallery, Aspen Highlands, Colorado

Northern Clay Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Trax Gallery, Berkeley, California


Interview with Ayumi Horie”, American Craft, September 2008

Twenty One Young American Potters” The Studio Potter, June 2004, Volume 32  

“500 Cups” Lark Books, Sterling Publishing Company Inc., April 2004

“2003 NCECA Clay National” Clay Times, March/April 2003

“2003 NCECA Clay National” R.B Stevenson Gallery, San Diego, California

“Lacoste Gallery Exhibit” The Concorde Journal, July 2002

Studio Days 2001: A View of Contemporary Ceramics” Chester Springs Studio, Chester Springs, Pennsylvania

“A Visit to the Bray” Ceramics Monthly, January 2001

Salt Fired Ceramics: an Exhibition by Michael Connelly and Allegheny Meadows” Ceramics Monthly, February 2001

2000 “Focus on Function” University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota


“Best of Show” 2003 Strictly Functional Pottery National, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
“Best Teapot” 2003 Strictly Functional Pottery National, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
“Useful Pot Merit Award” 2003 NCECA Clay National, San Diego, California

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