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Artist: Samantha Hostert

Samantha Hostert, ILLINOIS
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I create functional, comfortable pots that I hope will become an intimate part of your daily rituals. I design each pot to create depth, tension, and comfort to inspire you to slow down and listen. Every day we have many conversations with ourselves and others, yet we so often rush through them to get to or plan the next thing on our list. I hope that my pots inspire you to take time to more fully engage with these conversations while adding beauty and joy to your day.

Samantha Hostert is a ceramic artist and educator in the Chicago area. She makes functional, comfortable pots to encourage people to slow down and enjoy the rituals and conversations of everyday life. She strives to create tension and depth to draw you into her surfaces, inspired by natural landscapes and the juxtaposition of order and chaos, spontaneity and structure. Samantha has a BFA from Santa Clara University and a MEd from DePaul University. She teaches ceramics at Lillstreet Art Center. She hopes that you will have many conversations, with yourself and others, while using her pots.


DePaul University     2007
Master’s of Education

Santa Clara University 2004

Bachelor of Arts in Studio Art, Minor in Art History


2022 Upcoming

AKAR Yunomi Invitational, AKAR, Iowa City, IA


Mug Madness, Saltstone Ceramics, Seattle, WA


Featured Artist February 2021, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainseville, FL

Exquisite Forms III, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainseville, FL

Mug Madness, Saltstone Ceramics, Seattle, WA

AKAR Americano Invitational, AKAR, Iowa City, IA

Annual Cup Show, Worchester Center for Crafts, Worchester, MA

Cup of Joy, Trackside Studio, Spokane, WA

4th National Invitational Cup Show, Hudgens Center for Art, Duluth, GA

Cup Exhibition & Sale Invitational, Artlink Contemporary Gallery, Fort Wayne, IN


Cup, the Intimate Object XV, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainseville, FL

Exquisite Forms II, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainseville, FL

Functional Ceramics 2020, Ohio Designer Craftsmen at Wayne Center for the Arts, Wooster, OH

Last Call V, Companion Gallery, Humboldt, TN

Mug Madness, Saltstone Ceramics, Seattle, WA 

2020 Cup Invitational and Winter Warmers Benefit, Good Earth Pottery, Bellingham, WA


Cup, the Intimate Object XIV, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainseville, FL

Last Call IV, Companion Gallery, Humboldt, TN

Mug Madness, Saltstone Ceramics, Seattle, WA (*semi-finalist)

Cups for Y’all, Asher Gallery, Houston, TX


Handmade Holidays, Lillstreet Art Center, Chicago, IL

Cup, the Intimate Object XIV, Charlie Cummings Gallery, Gainesville, FL

Featured Artist at Lillstreet Gallery, August 2018, Chicago, IL 

AKAR Yunomi Invitational, AKAR, Iowa City, IA

Last Call III, Companion Gallery, Humboldt, TN

Twin Cups National Exhibition, MWSU Clay Guild, St. Joseph, MO

NCECA Expo, Lillstreet Gallery, Pittsburgh, PA


AKAR Younomi Invitational, AKAR, Iowa City, IA

Flourish, Lillstreet Faculty Ceramics Showcase, Lillstreet Gallery, Chicago, IL

NCECA Expo, Lillstreet Gallery, Portland, OR

Last Call II, Companion Gallery, Humboldt, TN

Cups for Y’All, Asher Gallery, Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, TX

Mugshotmonday, Lillstreet Gallery, Chicago, IL



Lillstreet Art Center 2011 – present

  • Ceramics Instructor – teach classes in soda firing and wheel throwing
  • Soda Program Monitor (2011-2021) – fire Lillstreet’s soda kiln, make slips, glazes and other necessary supplies

Lillstreet Ignite 2013 – 2016

  • Program Director (2014 – 2016)

     Develop and facilitate custom arts based professional development workshops for business teams

    Teaching artist for custom arts based professional development workshops for business teams

Lincoln-Way High School District 210 2007 – 2014

  • Full time teacher in Ceramics, Photography, Animation, Graphic Design, Art Fundamentals, and Art History

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